Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Starting Fresh

Since I have truly been a fair-weather blogger for the last 5 years I have decided to restart this year and really really work at blogging a few times a week. 2016 is going to be a whole new year for me and I am really planning on changing a ton of stuff in my life. I feel like I have become very complacent in my day to day life with my family and work. Something about a new year, and a clean start is always so appealing, its like getting a do over to try and fix what you messed up the previous year. I personally am taking charge of my life and am going to try and be present in the hear and now for myself and my girls. I am planning on the usual new years resolutions like losing weight, saving money, learning something new...etc. I am also embarking on a few Challenges from various social media outlets. I am going to do a monthly instagram challenge, I am doing a blogging challenge for the year, a savings challenge, and one that will make me a better/healthier person. Now I realize that seems like a lot to take on for this cray cray mother of 2, but I really feel like its something that will keep me motivated and interested.

On top of all that I want to really work at my friendships, the old and the new. I feel like i really get caught up in my day to day life that I have ignored the friendships that I have and I really could use a better personal social life. I am 32 years old with a 9 and 2 year old, I want them to enjoy their childhood with friends and family. Not just getting taxied around to activities and school. Life if about living and that is exactly what I plan to do this it up. Since I lost my father 3 years ago life has been very difficult for me, the changes and challenges have gotten the better of me most times and I allow the stress to rule me. No more, I leave it in 2015 and encourage anyone brave enough to follow me to do the same. Let's make 2016 the best year yet.

Smooches My Darlings

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